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  1. Whitt Sherrill

    I’m currently backpacking through Asia with my girlfriend and found your article very useful! We are trying to travel as long as possible and therefore our budget is very tight. We want to spend a week or so on the southern islands, especially ko lanta but found that the ferry prices online are very steep. Do you think it’s safe to arrange ferry’s and other transport when we get there? We also wanted to pre-book accommodation to get the best deal and are not sure if we should leave that up to chance.

    • The Blonde Abroad

      Hey Whitt! I completely understand about wanting to extend your budget as far as possible. When I was there I pretty much booked everything on a whim and didn’t plan that much ahead—as it was more of a spontaneous trip and seeing where the days took me. So, at least in my experience, it worked to arrange when I got there. Your girlfriend is welcome to join the TBA Travel Tribe on Facebook – she can ask the ladies there about their suggestions!

  2. Pol in Thailand

    That’s an amazing itinerary! Although going from the Andaman Sea to the Gulf of Thailand it is a bit time consuming.

    If you go to Thailand from November to April, I’d recommend to stay at the Andaman Sea where the weather is better and where you can find lots of interesting islands.

    Anyway, interesting article!

    Cheers from Bangkok!

    • The Blonde Abroad

      Hi Pol! Thank you for the tip — I’ll keep that in mind for the future 🙂


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Comment POINTS for a link to my guide on upgrading to Emirates First Class using points!
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This is your sign to book that sailing trip ⛵️☀️🌊 
Still dreaming of this incredible charter with @themooringsvacations in the BVIs!

Comment SAIL for a link to my complete itinerary & tips for sailing British Virgin Islands 🇻🇬 
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Grab your besties and your babes, it’s time to set sail ⛵️🇻🇬 
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Check out my story highlight “BVIs ⛵️” for all of the fun from our trip! And stay tuned for an in-depth blog post with tips on sailing with kids + our complete itinerary 🏝️
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