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  1. I know what you mean about never exploring our own backyards!

    I always leave the rest of my state or country for later because its so close. But sometimes that ‘later’ never comes at all.

    • Definitely! You’ve got to stay conscious of it and commit to making those plans happen

  2. Yok

    The pictures are really helpful for those of us who have never paraglided before, particularly in San Diego: incredible views, whoa…some awesome houses, rad beaches, and Southern Califnoria looking guy! hahahaha

    Add the Mexican food and OB and this is definitely hot. 🙂


Sometimes the most simple travel experiences are the most magical ✨
If you want a step-by-step guide on how to find this “honesty” farmhouse and Prosecco vending machine in Italy, comment CHEERS and I’ll DM you exactly where you can find it!
#italy #prosecco #charcuterie #roadtrip #travelsecrets