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  1. Bull can die. Event is fun to watch so fun is more important.

  2. Misako

    ” it’s better to talk and share about these kinds of cultural practices, though they might be different from our own, rather than gloss over them. I look back on the festival now that I’m older, and while I’m glad that I got to experience it, I wouldn’t go again. However, I think this is the best way to open up a dialogue about the world around us and in turn, promote positive growth. ” Kiersten Rich, The Blonde Abroad.

    Thank you for this statement, therefore, let’s “open up the dialogue” as Kiki suggests and make people aware that at the end of the ‘Running of the Bulls’ these animals are brought into a bullring where they are repeatedly stabbed, harpooned, drugged, and in the end, have their ears cut off – while still conscious- to show to gruesomely display to the horrified crowd – most of which are tourists.

    The banderilleros dart around the terrified, bleeding animals while plunging banderillas—brightly colored sticks with a harpoon point on one end—into their already-injured backs. The wounded animals are forced to run in circles, until they stop because they’re too dizzy, disoriented, and weakened from blood loss to continue.

    Now let’s continue the dialogue and discuss “tradition”. Is this really “tradition?” Large corporate entities feed their corporate greed as these events are hugely profitable. The problem is that most tourists are not aware of the torture that these animals endure, and naively attend these festivals without understanding the horrific and gruesome deaths that these animals will succumb to – all in the name of “cultural entertainment”

    Moreover, more than 100 Spanish towns and cities have banned bullfighting, and a 2016 poll found that 81% of Spaniards ages 16 to 65 oppose it. That figure rises to 93% among 16- to 24-year-olds.

    I think it’s important that as global citizens we have accountability for our actions and understand the consequence of our actions; One of the reasons many of us travel is for cultural immersion as a means of better understanding the world. With that understanding, comes more informed, responsible, educated decisions on how we travel, spend our money, and its long-term effects on those beings around us.

    Don’t allow our naivety as tourists to be exploited for corporate profit at the expense of the vulnerable beings around us, namely the bulls. Don’t attend this barbaric festival.

    I hope my comments are actually posted on this website and not deleted as spam or because they are too controversial. That is not how it was intended. If my comments are deleted, this just just another touristy website, with no depth, and lack of global consciousness.


Comment “GUIDE” for my Ultimate Charleston Travel Guide 🌸 
It’s officially Spring! Which means we now get weather like this in Charleston!

This is one of my favorite cities for Spring travel. The buildings are colorful, the food scene is incredible, and the blossoms are to die for.

If you want to make a quick trip to Charleston, South Carolina this spring, comment “GUIDE” for a direct message to all the best spots!
#Charleston #SouthCarolina #USTravel #SpringTravel
As Fergie says, “We flyin’ first class!” ✈️ 🎶 
When I say @emirates First Class experience is incredible, I mean INCREDIBLE. It exceeded my expectations and then some.

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The best part? I managed to upgrade my Business Class flight to First Class for FREE by using credit card points!

Yep, you read that right! It didn’t cost me a penny to upgrade to one of the best First Class flights on the market. 

Comment POINTS for a link to my guide on upgrading to Emirates First Class using points!
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This is your sign to book that sailing trip ⛵️☀️🌊 
Still dreaming of this incredible charter with @themooringsvacations in the BVIs!

Comment SAIL for a link to my complete itinerary & tips for sailing British Virgin Islands 🇻🇬 
#BritishVirginIslands #Caribbean #catamaran #sailing #bvi
Grab your besties and your babes, it’s time to set sail ⛵️🇻🇬 
We just returned from a bucket list sailing trip around the British Virgin Islands with @themooringsvacations — and it was an absolute dream come true!

If you aren’t looking for a vacation from the kids but from the cooking, cleaning, and responsibilities of everyday life, this is your sign!

Four moms, four kids, a crewed catamaran with a gourmet chef, a stewardess, and a captain that cook, clean and sail for you during 7 days of adventure, turquoise water, white sanded beaches, and quality time with your friends and little ones—it was heaven!

Check out my story highlight “BVIs ⛵️” for all of the fun from our trip! And stay tuned for an in-depth blog post with tips on sailing with kids + our complete itinerary 🏝️
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